The Strolling, Viewing, and Producing Character of the Modern City: The Flâneur


Year: 2020 Vol: 2 Number: 1


This article focuses on the concept of flâneur, which had largely emerged from the works of Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, and attempts to reveal the level that this concept has echoed through the contemporary period. Flâneur is accepted as a teaching metaphor on the point of modernity’s relationship with urban living; therefore, it can serve the function of a tool in the social, historical, and theoretical explanations regarding the world today. Studies revolving around flaneur have been published in a wide variety of fields. This study will discuss flâneur over “strolling”, “viewing”, and “producing”, which come at the top of the elements of city life that are as inevitable as much as they are also changing and transforming. Discussion around flaneur that will interest many of the social science disciplines and those working in these fields are examined in the context of the literature that has been developed.

flâneur, city, strolling, viewing, producing, Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin

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